Ah, the continuation of my California photos!! 🙂 These were taken in South Pasadena, where my friends Sherry (yay!) and Aimee live. I also studied abroad with Sherry! There were THREE Sherry’s during our study-abroad term: Tall Sherry (5’10”), Middle Sherry (me @ 5’5″. aka: Canadian Sherry), and Little Sherry (4’10”)! This is Little Sherry 🙂 I met her friend, Aimee, when she came to visit us in Taiwan for a few days. I also photographed Aimee when I was in SoCal during October 2010!
Little Sherry and I planned a mini photo shoot, then we walked over to Aimee’s house and “kidnapped” her for some photos before dinner. AND we got together on a separate day for even MORE photos! (Keep yer eyes peeled!)
I pride myself in being an expert bow-tying person!

🙂 So cute!

Seriously, can I please move to California where the light is fantastic all the time?

We found a rock throne for Little Sherry!

Purple bokeh! Fallen Jacaranda flowers!! So many SoCal streets were lined with such pretty purple flowering trees!!

This is Lili, Little Sherry’s dog!

🙂 SO little & cute!

A quick change later!

Twirlin’ in the streets!

🙂 This is when we went to kidnap/distract Aimee.

Aimee’s family is renovating their house, and we found this random door…

A few days after this, Little Sherry, Aimee and I went to the Pasadena City Hall for MORE photos! 🙂 I’ve already photographed there once, and the light there kills me (in a good way, of course). Those photos will be up soon!
7 responses to “Portraits | Sherry & Aimee”
Awww, she is so cute and stylish! You totally captured all the dimensions of her personality! And Pasadena?? I LOVE that place. I use to live just 20 mins from there, so thanks for giving me a bit of “home”.
Such adorable photos with Lili. Love how you captured their relationship…
These are sooo beautiful! And I must add that I’m in LOVE with both pairs of shoes.
WOW! The light is insane!! Sooo pretty! 15th up from bottom (the one with Sherry in the gorgeous light with the purple flower in focus) for the FAV!
Wow – so many stunning photos! I love the light and I love the DOF! I’m a real sucker for shallow DOF! amazing!
I LOVE THESE. Of course I’ve already hijacked these shamelessly for my blog & linked over here! I can’t wait for the City Hall ones.
Wonderful portrait session. Looooved the outfits, you girls have a magic eye for this. Beautiful girls, clothes, light and these can only lead to powerful images. Well done!