
Portraits | Lisa

I got to go to the east coast (DC/NYC) for a week back in early August. I went to attend/photograph Shiowei & Brian’s wedding (post to come soooon), and then went up to NYC for a couple days with my friend Pam. As soon as I knew I was going to NYC, I asked Lisa (the one and only cofounder of Camera+) if she would like to meet. Lisa is originally from Victoria, B.C. And we were originally supposed to meet back in 2010, pre-Camera+. But I was out of town (coincidentally on the east coast as well), and she had moved by the time I was back. Fast-forward to 2012, and we finally got to meet in NYC! We went for a little walk in Central Park, and I was able to snap a few photos of her 🙂

During our little walk, we chatted about almost everything: from her trip around the world (from earlier this year), to Canada, NYC, photography, figure skating and more. It was super fun finally getting to meet 🙂 Oh, and don’t let her glamourous-ness fool you, it was like 35C and humid that day. Haha. You’re lucky I was behind the camera ;D

Ugh. I wanted to take this light home. Vancouver, please have pretty light. Please?

Best shoes ever! 😀

14 responses to “Portraits | Lisa”

  1. nice pictures… I like the way they use the natural light and show the real beauty in you.

  2. Thank you for accepting the invitation especially nice gestures like you I hope that your heart will be also nice

  3. SERIOUSLY! Love them all! I especially love the shot of her hopping in the middle of the street! 🙂

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