🙂 Alex and Davin got married at the end of summer at Camp Howdy in Belcarra, B.C. (Near Port Moody). It was exciting for me since it was my first outdoors-y type wedding! Alex & Davin also had a ton of DIY elements in their wedding- which was super fun and cute!! Here are some of my favourite photos from their special day:

Tough bridesmaids! 🙂

Portraits on a pier? Hello, yes please!

This one cracks me up like nothing else…

I rented a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, and boy, did I love the results. Doesn’t hurt that Alex & Davin are super photogenic and lovely.

A super cute idea for a seating chart!


The lovely bride!

These kids are too funny. Hahahaha.

Davin plays in a community jazz band, and actually played a song for Alex. Possibly the sweetest thing, ever.

Dance lessons for all the guests!

One response to “Wedding | Alex & Davin”
Hi, I’m helping Camp Howdy make their new website around weddings there and wondering how we could obtain permission to use some of these wedding photos that took place at Camp Howdy?
Thank you sincerely,