
Travel | Victoria

In early March, I got the chance to visit Victoria (on Vancouver Island) with 2 of my coworker/friends. We took a two day, mini-vacation, to visit some friends in Victoria. We also got to see the small aquarium in Sidney (not to be confused with Sydney….) and the Victoria Bug Zoo šŸ˜€ We spent SO much time in both those places because Kristin and Steph are both hardcore biologists šŸ™‚

I love jellyfish!



Steph, listening intently to our guide talk about stuff

Steph is holding a tarantula. I HELD IT TOO!

Kristin, holding a scorpion. No big deal, right?

Leaf bugs!

We had so much fun, checking out critters and visiting with friends. And mini-vacations are always awesome!!

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