
Portraits | The Dougans Sisters

Before Christmas, Kirsten got in touch with me about doing a portrait session with her two sisters as a present for their parents! So we got together on a (lucky) sunny December afternoon and photographed away! Don’t let all the sunshine fool you, it was FREEZING cold! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad these sisters braved the cold with me!!

Skipping all together!

The goal of the third sister is to make the two in the photograph laugh! πŸ™‚

A hair-swooshing experience


This next photo is a recreation of a photo that their dad took (when they were super young). I thought that it was the cutest thing evar <3

And I do love me some winter sunlight.

Cans for Comments update! Omg. I can’t believe it’s already January 11th!!! (I blame my sickly self and general procrastination) But I’m really glad to say that I will be donating 74 cans to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank on behalf of all you lovelies who commented in the month of December! I will take a photo of what 74 cans look like too πŸ™‚

5 responses to “Portraits | The Dougans Sisters”

  1. Wonderful series, love the girls having fun! πŸ˜€ The puddle jumping is priceless! Well done with the food cans Sherry!

  2. These photos are amazing Sherry! And hooray for Cans for Comments – what a fantastic project! πŸ™‚

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