
Portraits | SFU IMP

Earlier this year, I was contacted by WIL (Work Integrated Learning) at SFU for some portraits of students for new promotional materials. (It went awesome, and now there are 3 posters on the window of the office with my photos on them!) Before I graduated, I was part of the International Mentorship Program at SFU. I was paired up with mentees who are international students, and as a mentor, I kept in touch with them on a weekly basis- making sure that they’re doing alright. Helen, the Mentorship Coordinator contacted me, since they were thinking of doing new promotional materials for the coming semester. She organized 5 students for me to photograph: Ibraheem, Jessie, Allen, Natalie and Diana. As luck would have it, it was possibly THE hottest day that week on the day we did this session. ;D

Started out with some individual portraits:

burnaby portrait photographer, promotional pieces for sfu international mentorship program

I love SFU and its rooftops! This was also lit by a reflector…

Hanging out above Convocation Mall

The very famous/photogenic mosaic wall at SFU 🙂



Ibraheem and Allen were nuts! They took a giant flying leap to land on this planter in the middle of a pond/fountain. Haha. I was so nervous for them…

Thanks to the 5 of ya for braving the intense summer heat and trekking all over campus for these shots! 🙂 Lemme know if you make it on to pieces of promo material for Mentorship! ;D

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