
Graduation | AJ & Laurel & Kathryn

I worked with AJ and Laurel 2 summers ago at a summer camp- they were super duper volunteers! 🙂 And this year, they graduated from high school! Time seriously flies! They contacted me a while back asking if I would take their graduation photos, and of course, I jumped at the chance! They also brought along Kathryn; these 3 girls have known each other since kindergarten or earlier. That’s a long time!!

We took photos in West Vancouver, near their old elementary school and also by a cliff-y area that looks over the ocean. We also were SUPER lucky and ended up with some amazing sunshine that day 🙂

AJ and Laurel met first, since Kathryn forgot to bring her grad dress! (She brought everything else!!)

west vancouver portrait photographer, graduation photography

AJ thought to bring balloons, which are ALWAYS fun.

Kathryn, twirling with balloons 🙂

AJ’s dress had a sweet row of buttons!

Laurel had super awesome form whilst spinning!

Hee hee, all of them spun at the same time!

Quick outfit/location change!

Blowing bubbles! (FAVOURITE)

*skipping* ;D

Thanks for asking me to photograph you girls. I had a BLAST! Best of luck in university in September! 🙂

11 responses to “Graduation | AJ & Laurel & Kathryn”

  1. wow really nice photo.the colour and angle turned out beautifully. u are a great photographer! may i know which camrea u are using?

  2. Hehe, these are soooo cute and fresh and funny and amazing! love the swirling ones and the bubbles. The one in the grass with the dandelions is goooorgeous Sherry!!

  3. Hi Sherry! I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I really love the way you take your photos and the captions you write that compliment them so well. 🙂

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