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Portraits | Sharleen

Meet Sharleen!! I also know her from studying abroad in Taiwan in the fall of 2008. She’s originally from Arizona but recently graduated from UPenn. (Total smarty). I got to stay with Sharleen for a couple days, and we went to New York for 2 days together too. She showed me around Philadelphia (took me to eat an authentic Philly cheesesteak, nomomom), and we figured out New York together! We took some photos on the day of graduation (between her two ceremonies). Did I mention that I attended EIGHT graduation ceremonies within 5 days while on the east coast? YEAH, I’m pretty graduation-ed out. Haha.

Oh my gees, I should warn you about how much I LOVED the light this day πŸ™‚

Philadelphia portrait photographer, graduation photography, University of Pennsylvania, UPenn graduation 2010

πŸ™‚ We convinced this lady that she should blow bubbles for us πŸ™‚ She was super nice and agreed. Maybe we just sounded needy? Haha.

You can see a little hand in the lower left corner. Kids were popping these bubbles left and right. Good thing we’re tall, y’know?


Teehee, I learned this in middle school. S for Sharleen! (Or Sherry. Or Superman…)

πŸ˜€ Sharleen, you’re so pretty!

Oh yeah. It’s graduation. Probably should do some with the cap/gown. Possibly ;D

Oh, she got these GIANT sunglasses while we were in NYC for $5. I love NY.

I also really love this photo πŸ˜€

-make a wish-

Congrats on graduation, Sharleen! πŸ™‚ Thanks for showing me around Philadelphia and figuring out NYC subways with me. Haha.

11 responses to “Portraits | Sharleen”

  1. These are amazing! I love your work Sherry!!

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  2. AH! Love the hair toss with the big sunglasses.. awesome light! Next time you’re in Philly we should totally hang out!

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