A break from the norm! GRADUATION PHOTOS (of meee). I graduated from SFU on June 16th with a BSc., majoring in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry (what? science? yeah. I know). Haha. Took me 5 years, but now I can tack those 3 little letters after my name 😎
Also different was that I was in front of the camera for once! The following photos were taken by either my dad, or my friend Pam (who is visiting from California).
My family!

My friend Alice (in the graduation regalia), and Pam (in normal clothes). We interned together 4 summers ago!

With Danny, our study abroad friend!

🙂 Yay, graduation!

My family, as my friend pointed out, has ZERO height variance ;D

My sister, trying to steal my degree. Pfft.

The mace-bearer 🙂

Crossing the stage, shaking the president’s hand.

Please not the look on Mr. Pres’s face. “Why is this girl SO freaking happy?” Haha.

I am THIIIIS stoked about graduating!

Our school’s colourful mosaic wall 🙂

If you’re a blog frequenter, you might know these 3 lovely lads. We went to California for 2 weeks together in February.

I love this photo because I am on the phone, Linus is punching (an oblivious) Justin, and Matt is looking super ready for a photo…

More ridiculousness. Haha.

And last but not least, gonna show you my convocation outfit! 🙂 I had this skirt made/painted by Reine. I LOVE IT. I call it my globe-trotter skirt. There are monuments/landmarks painted all around the bottom of this skirt. :3 You can see a ferris wheel and the Golden Gate in this shot…

13 responses to “Personal | Convocation”
Congrats Sherry! Awesome job and looove your skirt!
Congrats on graduating!
CONGRATS!!!! ..and you had that skirt MADE?!?! So freaking cool!
CONGRATS! And totally love your skirt!
Congrats! With a fancy degree such as the one you earned, I hope photography is still in the cards for you because you do such beautiful work! AND…LOVE LOVE LOVE the skirt!
Hey! We have something in common! Science nerd + photography!! Congrats Sherry!! I love your skirt and that tile (?) wall is amazing!
Super exciting!!! Congratulations! Very FUN skirt!
AWWWW congrats congrats and a million more congrats sweetie!!!! 🙂 xoxoxoxoox
Waahoooo, congratulations! And love the shoes and skirt 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU ARE. ADORABLE!!! I WANT your skirt! Such a work of art. Seriously, I WANT it! So happy for you! 🙂
Congratulations! Love the photos, love your custom skirt, and I’m jealous of your calves. Gorgeous!
Wow, the skirt is ah-maz-zing!! 😀 Loooove it! Congratulations big time Sherry! Love the photos, the emotions, the love, the family and friends. The mosaic is great as background for these photos. Ah, and no.18 is my favorite! 😀
Awww! Congrats, Sherry! I gradded from SFU in 2007 in Geography/Enviro Studies but I didn’t get to go to my convo….kind of made me sad since I spent 7 years getting there! Anyways, congrats and I love the skirt btw, very cute and a real nice piece to add to your wardrobe!
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