
Portraits | Mandy

I welcome to my blog, the lovely Mandy Jill!! 🙂 She’s also another local photographer in the area. We started tweeting to each other, and decided that we should meet up once and for all! 🙂 She brought me to this awesome pho (Vietnamese noodles) place in Port Coquitlam. I found out this girls eats a LOT of spicy food. 🙂 Mad props. My esophagus would have needed replacing if I ate as much hot sauce as her! Then we busted out our cameras and took photos of each other in a near by park 😀

Be warned: she’s super pretty, and we had some AMAZING light after a whole week of RAIN!!! And we swapped our 50mm f/1.4 lenses for the shoot. So these were taken with HER lens. Tricky, eh…

I love this one because of the bokeh on the left side. (She may be a Nikon girl now, but that may change… For SHAME! ;D I tease, Mandy!)

Um, yummy light? PLEASE.

Haha, I think every photographer has photos of themselves behind the camera …

She’s wearing one of my hair flowers. The sunlight was such a treat for us!

LOVE this one!! (I didn’t make this flower clip, I bought it from Forever 21)

profile image of vancouver portrait photographer

Yeah, Mandy! Rock it out. The light makes it so pretty!

I lied. This may be my favourite… :/

Haha, work it work it! 🙂

Pretty sure I said something REALLY dumb at this point in time. Whatever it takes, right?

Yay, I brought a lot of headbands and props. Here Many is wearing my Minnie Mouse ears (I got them in Disneyland in May 2009. But I’ll be wearing them to Disneyland again in a couple weeks!)

I saw a similar shot that someone did, but they had a Mickey AND Minnie… I just had Minnie ears. 🙂 But it’s a portrait without a face…

portrait taken in coquitlam with minnie mouse ears

This is right after Mandy seriously cuddled with the fence. Haha.

The sun started setting, and we found more gorgeous light! <3

portrait taken right before sunset with warm lighting

Mandy is checking out the dirt bikers 🙂

We all want to levitate, right? Well, Mandy is a pro.

jumping photo that looks like she is levitating

This park had a little community garden (that’s open in the summer). But we borrowed the fence!


Mandy is twirling like a ballerina 🙂 I love the sun in her hair…

Okay, so the last 3 photos are super similar, but I just couldn’t choose ONE! 🙂 It was so much fun meeting you, Mandy! 🙂 I hope these photos make it as a Facebook profile picture, or Twitter avatar ;D It’s always fun and scary photographing another photographer, but Mandy worked it and made it easy for me! 😀 That and she thinks I’m HILARIOUS and laughed at my jokes. Haha.

I went to the [b]ecker workshop in Vancouver two days ago and learned a TON (Didn’t bring a camera, so I don’t have photos 🙁 )… And in 2 weeks, I will be in San Francisco. THEN I’ll be spending 2 weeks in California (SF, LA, SD and all along the coast)… On Feb 23rd, I’ll be attending Jessica Claire‘s workshop in Ladera Ranch!! I’m SUPER stoked (or ‘excited’ for my American readers. I’ve heard that you don’t use the word ‘stoked’) SO MUCH LEARNING, my sponge brain is ready to absorb. But before all that fun, I have lots of assignments, readings, and two midterms! Wish me luck! 🙂

37 responses to “Portraits | Mandy”

  1. […] Our day didn’t end at lunch of course! We headed out to Lafarge Lake where we swapped 50mm 1.4’s just for fun, crashed a tennis court party, and basked in the beautiful January sunshine while twirling, jumping and posing to our heart’s content. Check out Sherry’s shots of me here. […]

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  2. Love these. I can’t wait to hear your take on the JC Workshop! I hope to go to one of hers sometime in the not so distant future!

  3. Sherry…these are uber fabulish!!! I am so jealous and excited that you attended the [b] workshop and that you are going to Jessica Claire’s workshop!!!! Do you think you can throw my in your luggage – lol. Have a super time and I can’t wait to read all about it.

  4. You captured the light so beautifully! And I say stupid things all the time to make my clients laugh, that’s why they are always giggling, I’m a clown!

  5. I ADORE these. Yep, completely and utterly adore them. Oh, and that’s SO cool you’re going to JC’s workshop! You’ll have so much fun (I did!). It was great and the mock-wedding she did was total camera candy. I can’t wait to see what you shoot there!

  6. Sherry, this is such a nice set! If I was in your area, I’d totally do a trade. Or if I was a senior or engaged or something, I’d totally call you. The light is just radical. Congrats on the Becker Workshop too, he is a good friend and a rad guy all around.

  7. Sherry, such beautiful use of light in these. Your friend is so beautiful and it looks like you two had a blast paling about. You are just the traveling fool… with all your visits to the US and the workshops. Hope you have a fab time.

  8. These are FANTASTIC, Sherry!!! Definitely jealous of your light!! What brand lens were you using? I love the 8,9 &10th ones down. Hahah stoked vs. excited.

  9. Sherry, do you think it’s fair that you somehow ALWAYS seem to find the delicious light? I’m jealous, wish the light was like that more often here in England. 🙂 Anyways the shots are beautiful. I think my favorite is the very last one. Great job.

  10. wow you weren’t kidding about the light! absolutely gorgeous! love the different headbands, that little touch really mixed things up and got different looks. great job!

  11. She is a ridiculously gorgeous & fierce lady! LOVE her look, and her style! Awesome exposures, Sherry… Technically, so perfect and creativity, so delicious. Love the few of her laughing in the middle of the series – so fun!

  12. I’m loving there Sherry! Your work is phenomenal… I’m also a fan of Mandy’s!! You did a great job as usual. Keep it coming girl! 🙂

  13. Hey Sherry – my first time stopping by ( thank you for your lovely comments on my blog:) Adore your style…..your backlighting in this shoot is gorgeous; second to last image I think is my fave. And your wallpaper is superduper cute!

  14. Ahhhhhh! I’m part of Sherry Lu legacy now. I love it! I know we’ll be hanging out a lot more! So good luck with your busy busy busy schedule these next few weeks and I’ll see you on the 7th!

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