
Portraits | Kevin

A little blurb to begin the post… I locked myself out of my house today. Haha, in a rush to leave to make it to class on time, I realized (too late) that I had forgotten my U-Pass (bus pass for university students in Vancouver). Running back home and rummaging through my backpack, I realized that I had also forgotten my keys. So I was stuck in limbo. Couldn’t go to school because I didn’t have a bus pass or any change, and couldn’t go home because I didn’t have keys. Called my mom, and she said that the spare keys were in the car (how useful…). Called my sister, said she’d be home in 2 hours or so because she has to go see her professor. Faaabulous. At least I had printed out some papers to read for my class, so I did that. And I also played some games on my iPhone. (Thankfully I had my phone!) This has never happened to me before! In my 22.5 years of living, I have never forgotten both my wallet AND my keys. So that was my today 😀

These photos I took with Kevin were from the end of December. He contacted me to see if we could do some portraits since he’s going to try and break in the modelling industry in Hong Kong. Kevin and I went to highschool together, but I graduated 2 years before he did. He has an agent and everything back in Hong Kong, and they wanted some shots. 🙂 We met up near Science World and walked along False Creek to Yaletown. Then we cut through the city and got to the downtown (Robson/Burrard area). Then we walked to Waterfront station… We walked a LOT that day. It was intense.

I love False Creek; there are always these neat little stone statues…

false creek rock statues

Yeah, we had some pretty awesome light! 🙂

vancouver portrait photographer

And we found tall grass in Vancouver!!

false creek yale town

I think that’s the Burrard Street Bridge in the back, but I might be mistaken. Kevin, looking super dapper!

I was pretty nervous for this next shot; I thought he would fall into False Creek…

I love how he looks super chill in this one!

One of my favourites (it has tall grass AND backlight)…

yaletown photography

I thought the fire truck was cool, but Kevin thought sliding down the rail would be cooler! 😀

Found this little alley, and I asked him to jump.

Crossing the street photos! (I’ve been wanting to do this for SO long!) Thanks Kevin, for running to the middle of the street and walking back! 😀

Yes, middle of the street photos…

This next one reminds me of NY. Note: the yellow cab echos Kevin’s yellow shirt!

Vancouver Portrait Photographer

We finally ended up near the new Vancouver Convention Centre…

Thanks Kevin, for hanging out with me that day. And for running into the streets for some rad photos! Hope you do awesome in Hong Kong! 😀

25 responses to “Portraits | Kevin”

  1. These are great s h e r r y !
    I really like the backlit ones and the ones in the city…he’s looking super relaxed with himself and working his angles…
    I had hoped to go to Van in March, but it isn’t looking like it now… my in laws live in Van and my SIL goes to one of those colleges there, forgot which one… maybe we could meet up one time in the near future!

  2. Your shots are always amazing Sherry, but this were right up there. I sure your friend will get some jobs with these pictures. The middle of the street ones look like you’re some professional photographer with a million dollar budget who can stop traffic and such. Are you freelancing for magazine yet??

  3. Crazy cool Sherry! These are so awesome! Love the jumping in the street, so simple but incredible. And, the walking in busy street shots, love them! I have always wanted those shots!

  4. bummer to the keys/upass debacle!!! how annoying!!

    But…the good news is these photos ROCK!!! love the photos in the street especially!!! very very cool!!

  5. Sherry, I love that your pictures always make me feel like I’m there with you. Sorry about the wallet/keys debacle. I feel your pain there.

  6. Sherry these are stunning! Like seriously great photos 🙂 If I ever get my butt to Vancouver you, me and Sean Norman are going to do a triple photo shoot together! hehehe.

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