

I’m super excited about going to Portland, OR for the weekend! I’m leaving tomorrow, on an EARLY train. So early that I have to be up by 5am. FIVE A.M?! I don’t even know what that means. I’m very excited to be meeting up with my friends from my study abroad term!! Haven’t seen them in almost a year πŸ˜€ Will be back by Sunday night, ready for class on Monday! πŸ™‚

It’ll be so weird, not having a 3G network, and not being able to check my iPhone all the time. Not able to check Twitter, not able to check my blog feed! Ahh. Haha, I feel primitive πŸ™‚ Anyways. I’ll probably tweet a few times, when I manage to steal some WiFi. And get ready for a GIANT blog post about Portland after I return! πŸ˜€

And no post is ever complete without a photo; here is one of a sunset (taken on my iPhone).

Vancouver sunset
Vancouver sunset

8 responses to “Personal | PORTLAND, OREGON!”

  1. think about me and no 3G network for TWO WEEKS when i was in Taiwan. haha. but at least i had a phone there. xP

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