Michelle Kane Photography Photo Exchange!

So, basically, Michelle Kane (a photographer based in Wyoming) sets up this photo exchange thing. She matches up photographers who want to participate, and gets us to swap photos. We swap SOOC (straight-out-of-camera) photos, and edit them in our own way. It’s a pretty cool way to network with other photographers, and to see how people edit differently.

I got paired up with Ashleigh Taylor (based in LA). It’s actually really peculiar, since Ashleigh and I are planning to meet up in LA (Disneyland, to be exact) when I’m visiting in February! πŸ˜€ Small world, perhaps! I got to edit one of Ashleigh’s photos, and she got to edit one of mine! πŸ™‚ You can see her edit of mine on her blog, and both of ours on Michelle’s blog.

Anyway, here’s Ashleigh’s image, SOOC (copyright is hers!):


And here’s my take on it:

Sherry's Edit of Ashleigh's Photo

I think Michelle is AWESOME for setting this up for photographers around the world. It’s super fun, and you should do it too! πŸ˜€

In other news, I’m attending a one day workshop with [b]ecker today (28th), and I’ll be in California in less than 3 weeks! Ahhhh! But before I get too excited, I still have midterms and assignments before then. BOOO.

10 responses to “Michelle Kane Photography Photo Exchange!”

  1. That’s cool! Actually I secretly do that to some people’s photos just to see how I could make it look different… I OF COURSE delete it when I’m done but I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one with the thought!

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