My hair grows really fast

Last year on Boxing Day (Dec. 26th), I was in Taiwan- on my study abroad semester. That day was also the day that I cut off 13″ of my hair to donate for wig making. It was really cool, actually, since hair donating isn’t as popular in Taiwan as it is in North America, there were press people there! And because I was an exchange student, I made the evening news, and some online news. πŸ˜€ I felt super famous, haha. The security guard in our dorms pointed out to me the next morning that I was on TV, and was famous. Haha.

I have not cut my hair in a year, with the exception of trimming my bangs every 2-3 weeks. And in 365 days, my hair has grown approximately 7″ – yes, I measured! Haha, I have grown back more than half the hair that I donated, in merely a year. Woot. If only I can bottle my magical powers of hair growth to sell to people who bald… If only… ;D

Anyways. Words are fine and dandy, but a post isn’t complete without pictures. So, on the left is me a year ago, and the right photo is me from this morning.

(Seriously excuse the mess. :/ I’ll get around to cleaning soon.)

Hair Growth

The weather today was pretty fabulous. It was sunny and foggy. I called up my friend and we went out for an impromptu photoshoot. It was cold. Look out for those soon. BUT! I’ve discovered, that if clouds are nature’s softbox, then fog must be its diffuser. We got some fabulous light, and I can’t wait to share!

14 responses to “My hair grows really fast”

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  2. My hair grows super fast too (maybe it’s an Asian thing). I never worry if someone cuts it too short, because I know it’ll be back in no time. That’s so funny that there was such a ruckus when you donated your hair in Taiwan.

  3. I have had the same length hair for like 6 years. It just won’t grow! I want what you got! I am envious that you can do something so very special for people who need it.

  4. Ok, this is not fair! :)) I just had a haircut last month and I am craving my long wavy hair back! And when I saw this on your blog, I couldn’t believe it! Amazing!!! Wonderful black silky hair you got… and with magic power.. to grow that fast! have to say it: COOL!

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