I’ve shot with Tiffany and Mic before, for Courtney’s final collection (back in September). They asked me if we could work together again (um, of course!), and the theme would be music-inspired. [Because they both had awesome headphones!] We shot at Waterfront Skytrain station, and got kicked out 3 times. :/ Hm. Yah, not fun. But, we ended up finding a cool parking garage with some sweet lighting!! (But it was cold, cold, cold). I gotta start wearing mitts now… Now, get ready for an onslaught of photos!!
These are from before we got asked to leave the station ;D

So much attitude- work it, work it!

We found this old elevator (you needed a special pass to be able to use it, sad).

We found a window sill ;D

So the third time we got asked to leave, we were on the OUTSIDE of the building. But apparently we were still on their property. Sad.

Start of the parking lot series!


And here we found some sweeet light! It was just a light on the ceiling <3 .

Love this one of Mic!

Tiff’s turn!

Hello, catch lights!

Doesn’t Tiffany seep attitude from her PORES?

We started playing with shadows…

I think I changed my mind about not liking to shoot at nighttime. 50mm f/1.4- we are best friends now!

This is my favourite of Tiffany’s. The green lights on her was from my UV filter. I think it refracted/reflected off of the lights in the back. Somehow ;D

25 responses to “Long live rock & roll”
um, hi. these are freaking amazing.
sherry … you are a freaking rock star!!! your work is TOOOOOO GOOOD .. and the colors .. OHHH how i love ’em!
Those are super fun! I love all of their fun poses (Do I see some Bikram poses in there??) Great job!
Awesome! Love! I need me some new Vans. And go shooting at night!
Just stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely love it! I recently created my own, if you get a chance I’d love for you to cehck it out.
wooow! love these pics! they are so so so so so gorgeous!!
who rock it? YOU rock it! Awesome shots. love the lighting in the garage. Too cool!
awesome shoot!!!!
loving these pics you look fab x
omg these are fabulous!!!!!!! soooo much fierocity (think i just made up that word) right here!! i especially the photos in the garage and at night. AMAZING!!
Loved every single one of these photos! 🙂 Very very great attitude and light and looooved that green reflection! So cool!
These are SO MUCH FUN. I love their makeup!
These are awesome! Everything from their clothes & accessories, to their poses & your use of light… It all looks like so much fun!
Love this session! Very cute.
Sherry, thanks for stopping by my blog. I absolutely love your blog design, adorable!! These photos are rockin too. <3
Sherry, these are way too fun. Colors, locations, lights, silly girls…. Fun!!!
cute girls! love the parking garage.
This looks like such an amazingly fun shoot!! I absolutely love the photos that were taken in the parking garage…fantastic lighting!! Great job, Sherry!!!
wow, these are nice…I like those in the carpark and then the night shots.
I love the nighttime bokeh from the 50. Seriously sexy. Love the dramatic lighting you guys found in the parking garage. Great series, Sherry – really unique and totally different feel from the usual portraiture.
The lighting here is insanely right on. Beautiful shots!
Love the lighting and attitudes in the parking garage series. I can’t believe they kicked you out of so many locations!!
that light is awesome! where is that? (if you don’t mind me asking)
ps. number 1 fan
sherry these are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1