
My new blog-site!

Hi!! I just wanted to say that I am super stoked about my new blog-site. It’s hosted on my own domain! All less than 48 hours old. I went with the ProPhoto Blogs theme, and boy am I glad I did. The lovely graphical interface made it WAY easy, considering that I am seriously code challenged. Yep. I’m still learning how FTP’s and whatnot all work, and I know some photos are a bit smaller than others in my post below [my first photo blog post on the new blog!], but I know where I went wrong- to fix it for next time.

Buckle up, and get ready to join me in my adventure! (of learning the ropes of the world wide web). ;D

If you’re interested in ProPhoto themes, either check out their website, or the video below

Oh, and I have a coupon code for $10 off!!! Feel free to use ‘SHERLU328’ to save $10. (You can pass it along, the code doesn’t expire, nor have a cap on how many times it can be used!)

2 responses to “My new blog-site!”

  1. Hey! Thanks for finding me, and for the comment 🙂 I have been meaning to switch my blog over for a while, so thanks for the discount code 🙂 I love your work, btw!!! 🙂

  2. Sherry,
    The site looks GREAT. The colours and layout and look are totally you 🙂 Congrats on launching it. There will be many great things to come!!

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