What’s Your Play- Laura

I came across Laura’s blog at DolcePics, and decided that I should try it out! It’s so much fun! 😀 😀

Here is her original photo, and how to play the game: http://www.dolcepics.com/whatsyourplay/50/#comments

Here is my edit:

What I did:
-in Adobe Lightroom 2.o-
temperature +14
tint +14
exposure +0.19
recovery 14
fill light 10
blacks 14
brightness +21
vibrance +17
saturation -5

vignettes-lens correction
amount -64
midpoint 33

2 responses to “What’s Your Play- Laura”

  1. Hi Sherry! Thanks so much for playing! Nice to see local photographers joining in. I really like your edit. Warm and just the right amount of contrast. Thanks for sharing your Lr values as well. 🙂 Hope you'll play again and best wishes in your photography!

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