
Portraits | Esther

In case you didn’t know, I was in California for 10 days in June! I am working full time at a summer camp (again!) this summer, so this was going to be my last little vacation in a while. I was mainly in the Los Angeles area, but I had the opportunity to visit Davis and Berkeley during my stay as well. I got to hang out with friends, sight-see, eat (lots of good food), photograph, and visit Disneyland! 🙂 All in all, I had an amazing time!!

This is Esther! We studied abroad together. She lives/works in the Bay Area, and I managed to convince her to drive to Berkeley to eat lunch with me on the ONE day I was there 🙂 And after lunch, we popped over to the Berkeley Marina for some photos!

Excellent California light!

The marina was pretty darn windy!

We also headed back towards the UC Berkeley campus area for some more portraits. Also, a change of outfit!

I love shirts with billowy sleeves! They are so fun.

🙂 This is just the first of many, many blog posts that will be coming up with photos from my California trip!

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