
Promotional | SFU WIL

Earlier this year (since it’s already March!), I had the opportunity to take some promotional photos for SFU WIL (Work Integrated Learning- which includes services like co-operative education, career advising etc.) We all trucked up to campus on a Saturday MORNING for a little fun shoot. Well, it wasn’t so bad for me, since I didn’t have to look nice. πŸ˜€ I saw heavy fog as soon as the bus rolled up to SFU, and I started to get nervous. But I think the fog just made everything a little bit dreamy…

Oh. And 3 photos from this shoot just got printed as little pamphlets! πŸ™‚ MY FIRST PRINTED PIECES!! Yay.

This shot is now a pamphlet!

burnaby portrait photographer, photograph of ben lee at SFU on a foggy day

They wanted “student interaction” photos…

This is Elena. If you’re an old blog reader, you might have seen her before! πŸ™‚ I love photographing Elena! <3

portrait photograph of Elena at SFU in burnaby

The fog does make the lighting all nice and even…

Oh yeah, rocking a lab coat…

This is Nicole, she hunted me down because she checks out my blog πŸ™‚ (She works with SFU WIL). Thanks again, Nicole!

Universities often have ponds. Except in Vancouver, the ponds have to be drained every winter, otherwise nasty scum accumulates.

I love SFU because there are always interesting backgrounds…

This is now, also a pamphlet!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ (I LOVE those studs on the heel. Ah, shoe envy).

Doesn’t she look like Pocahontas?

Oh hey, film Nikon!

Yay, I loved the (fake) commotion going on in the background. :D:D

It was pretty awesome to photograph for the school. Apparently they will soon be making 5′ banners of certain people. Haha. That’ll be interesting to see!!

I’m still in the process of going through and editing my vacation photos. Those will be up soon!! (But I am behind in blogging stuff from BEFORE my vacation- so I’ll be blogging pretty regularly now…)

10 responses to “Promotional | SFU WIL”

  1. Sherry, I was looking at these yesterday and got sidetracked, but what a fantastic opportunity to shoot this and to have it published. These images are so fresh and clean looking and the editing is perfectly suited for those amazing five-foot banners that I cannot wait to see!

  2. These look amazing Sherry! Wonderful light and amazing people to shoot. Love the feeling out of it. Makes me actually miss the school days.

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