I was super lucky to go to Portland, OR for the weekend (two weekends ago). I went to visit my friends Paul and Dan. We studied abroad together in Taiwan during the fall 2008 (ahh, 2 of my study abroad friends caught on to my mistake! Fall 2008, NOT 2009. Haha) semester! It was SO awesome to see them again and catch up! Also, the no sales tax part was pretty enticing too! I just wanted to blog these quickly before a week of two midterms! (Eeep). I miss Paul and Dan already! And I can’t wait until we get to meet up again!
I don’t photograph boys often, so it’s always interesting! (This photoshoot also gave me enough bargaining leverage for a trip to Fabric Depot- only THE biggest fabric store on the West Coast!!!) Thanks again ;D
The very dapper Paul!

Oh, Dan is super silly! He pretends he’s a ballerina. (kidding). He was just being a goof!

Pensive Dan. (With awesome catchlights!)

Did I mention Paul is super silly too?

Um, so I love tall grass!


This was a huge outdoor amphitheatre. Must be SUPER awesome in the summer!

This next one of Paul is my favourite favourite favourite!

Taken from our hotel room. I happen to think window sill portraits are interesting, and I’ve always wanted to make a portrait like so:

Thanks again for driving me around in Portland, and I seriously can’t wait to meet up again! BUT! In other news, I’m leaving for California on Saturday (Feb 13th). While I’m there for two weeks, I’m also going to have the chance to meet up with MOOOORE study abroad friends! (I sense that I will be photographing lots! People, places and things!!!) But before then, midterms beckon.
17 responses to “Portraits | Paul & Dan”
Beautiful work Sherry. So enjoyed all the beautiful pictures, Thanks for share.
Awesome shots!! You have a great eye for guy shots…something I’m trying to work on.
Thank you for the very sweet comment! I love hearing from other photogs. 
Love them Sherry….especially the ones where the guys are sitting…
lovin the colours!
Great shots – great personalities you’ve captured
boys are kinda different, no?
these are great…the third from the bottom has got some ridiculous bokeh! love it!
What Pam said, lolz.
Nice photos, Sherry! I love the close-ups of the guys. You managed some beautiful bokeh too! Can’t wait to see the Cali pics and good luck on your mid-terms!
fall 2008 missy. xP but awesome pics!
Amazing Sherry! These are wonderful.. straight out of a magazine! The locations are incredible.. all that green.. I am SO jealous!
aw sherry these are gorgeous!!! eek can’t wait to meet sooo soon!
fab job with the guys! have a great time in ca, take lots of pretty pictures, share much.
Looks like Portland has some pretty nice places to shoot! Great shots =) Good luck on your midterms!
these are all so perfect. You post so many shots, I love it! I have barely any experience doing portraits with men. I need to step that up.
Your photos are gorgeous! The vibrancy and color in them are fab!
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You happened across a tennis court while you were there I see
Great shots and I think window portraits are interesting too!
Really nice, Sherry! Love your favourite, it’s definitely the best of the bunch! All very nice, smart looks from the gents and beautiful photography as always from you! Good luck with school this week!
It’s official – I WANT TO SHOOT IN PORTLAND! Is it just magical or what??? These are so beautiful. (well, manly AND beautiful, ha!)
You guys look like you had so much fun!
P.S. Good luck with mid-terms…