Please vote for me!!

So, sometime on Monday, I noticed someone tweeting about Mike Colon giving away a workshop seat for free (for his Seven Workshop, in HONOLULU!) All I had to do was e-mail him a picture, my e-mail address and website/blog, and I would be considered!

Here’s the thing, the scholarship seat will be given away to the person with the most votes. (Ah, tricky…) So I implore you, to please vote for me (Sherry Lu) on Mike Colon’s BLOG before 5pm on Friday (Dec 18th)!!! You can vote once, but you can tell a friend too!

It would seriously be an AMAZING experience, and I promise I will learn a ton (everything he has to teach, I will learn. Honest)! Thank you SO much – in advance. And I will thank you again if I win. (All fingers/toes crossed…)

Blog posts are no fun without a picture, so here’s a picture of Chryah. We did a fun shoot (with her old wedding dress) at the end of summer :]


PS. I saw a picture that Jose Villa tweeted today! Guess what it was? FUJI INSTAMAXs and FILM!!! 😀 😀 I hope it comes in the mail soon! 🙂

9 responses to “Please vote for me!!”

  1. Just voted for you! Hope you win the seat. Do you subscribe to f/stop beyond? Ron Dawson did a huge video interview (like a 6 parter) with Mike. Besides that, it’s just so fun to listen to all sorts of amazing photographers talk about their lives and careers. Google it or look for the podcast in iTunes if you don’t already know about it. Best of luck!

  2. i voted girrrl!!! i saw that tweet too but didn’t apply b/c i thought even if i won, no matter how bad i wanted to i wouldnt be able to afford to go to HI right now. le sighhhhhhhh. BUT since I can’t go I really really hope you can!!!!! 😀

  3. good luck with the contest! also, thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! i LOVE your blog — your branding is simply awesome and you’re a very talented photographer. as for the lens i was using in that berry post — it was the 28mm 1.8 — which i actually never use, funny enough 🙂

  4. Good luck with the workshop scholarship! I popped over after your commment — seriously, I was def a little worried about oven-proof, but hey, the beauty of the recipe is that they go in the microwave! But still, same concept, I know — and aren’t those mugs are so stinkin cute! A-hem — cute blog, can’t wait to scope out more!

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