
Krista | Sep 03, 2009

Bah. So behind on blogging! That’s what you get for taking 5 upper-level molecular biology courses, I guess. Blasted ambition! Oh well. Moving on. In early September, Krista and I got together and we did a portrait shoot! We wanted something ‘lifestyle’-y. We thought, well, her home has gotta be lifestyle-esque or what not. ๐Ÿ˜€

On to the photos!

Krista walking her puppy. She’s an Italian Greyhound, and the cutest thing ever! It was definitely hard to get a picture of her though, since she was super hyper!

Back to their house! This shot was inspired by a magazine tear that Krista found! Yay, I love it when other people have ideas too.

This was also inspired by a magazine photo, I think. We combed Krista’s house and found every little trinket we could ๐Ÿ˜€ Then artfully rearrange!



A series with fruits/vegetables! My favourite of the set is the orange one. Or maybe the apple. Yeah, I can’t decide!

๐Ÿ™‚ We picked this daisy from a bouquet that Krista had at her house. :] So pretty!

I love this one! Those are her salt/pepper shakers!! So fun.

It was a fun shoot, and it was really exciting drawing inspiration from magazines! Hopefully I did them justice. :]

3 responses to “Krista | Sep 03, 2009”

  1. Sherry, these are gorgeous. Would've loved to seen more outside – the first is gorgeous, but her place is lovely. Favourite overall is the second by far.

  2. This was was done with my Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 (at f/2.8!). I love shooting wide open. And her house wasn't HUGE, so I'm glad I had the wide angle. I also love my 50mm f/1.8 (which I've replaced with the f/1.4 lately) and my 85mm f/1.4 too. I am a sucker for bokeh. ;D

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