
Sandra | June 30th

I shot Sandra with my friend Flo. Since he had a vintage-looking suitcase, we thought that a retro shoot would be pretty fantastical.

I have previously worked with Sandra before, so it was pretty awesome to work with her again! Yay.

Sandra, sitting on a rock with the suitcase.

I really like little jumps.

I loved this one too much to post-process it all vintage-like. So I left it. (This was taken with 2 strobes)

Same dealio with the previous photo.

I love the nonchalance of Sandra just sitting beside her suitcase.

Oh, and we found this SUPER sweet field with tall grass in the middle of BURNABY!!! Incredible. I want to go back, and live there.

I saw this fence, and I KNEW I needed a photo there. 😀

Thanks Sandra, you were a doll! 😀

2 responses to “Sandra | June 30th”

  1. CUTE Model!! Awesome shots!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog 🙂 I always love finding new photographers all over the place.

    Happy Monday!

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