Tag: Huntington Library

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    Travel | Huntington Library (2/2)

    Here is Part 2 of our Huntington Library adventures! Haha, Pam is strong! I have no idea what this plant is, but it was pretty cool! Chillin. Wearing my Anthropologie (<3!!) skirt! Love these purple flowering trees everywhere in SoCal <3 OH Nomnom Truck!!!! <3 <3 <3 I MISS THIS SO MUCH. M Cafe for…

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    Travel | Huntington Library (1/2)

    I was in California for 10 days in June, and I’m *finally* blogging some of the photos. It only took me a MONTH to get around to this P: Haha. This post will feature photos from my visit to Huntington Library with Pam & Nat. This place is GORGEOUS, and I would LOVE to be…