Personal | Another Year Older…

Today is my birthday 🙂 My 27th birthday :O I’m officially in my late-20’s. I don’t know how I feel about that. People keep asking me if I’m ready to settle down, but I implore you to look at the photo of me below and tell me: Do I LOOK like I’m ready? Nope 😀 (FOREVER YOUNG AT HEART). I’ll be rocking Minnie Mouse years and polka dots for years to come!

This photo was taken on the teacup ride at Disneyland when I went in June. It was a completely spontaneous weekend trip that was planned the day before we left. Thanks to Chelsey for getting buddy tickets for WestJet 🙂 (I’ll be blogging images from that trip soon…) I had a pretty fantastic 26th year of my life, as it brought me to Chicago, Portland, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Antelope Canyon, Grand Canyon, Iceland (!!), San Francisco and Los Angeles within the year. Hopefully I’ll get to travel just as much (if not more) in this coming year. My travel wishlist keeps growing, and ideally I’ll get to cross some countries out pretty soon…


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