Personal | Macarons & Cookies

🙂 In case you didn’t know, I *love* macarons. It’s a bit unhealthy how much I love them. Haha. These are some photos from back in February, and I actually took a class in March on how to make macarons. Those will come in a later blog post 🙂

I found out my friend was going to NYC, so I begged and pleaded that he brought some macarons back from Laduree for me. So, these 4 little macarons actually survived a flight back to Vancouver 🙂 I can’t wait til I got to NYC and eat there myself. Of course, I’d kill to go to the one in Paris. <3

This year, for Valentine’s Day, I decided I would bake sugar cookies for my coworkers 🙂 So the night before included hours and hours of frosting.

I also had a chance to visit Soirette, a fairly new macaron store here in Vancouver 🙂 It was pretty great. The consistency of their macaron shell was fantastic. They also make good tea!

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