
Personal | Vancouver 12×12

Ah, this blog post is *so* overdue… On September 12th, 60 local photographers got together and pulled a 12 hour photo marathon. Wait, what? A running-kind-of-marathon? No. I can’t run 200m to save my life. It was a film challenge, first of all. Each participant received a roll of 12-exposure film, and at the top of each hour (between 8am and 8pm), we received a ‘theme.’ We had one shot at interpreting, correctly-exposing and photographing the theme as best/unique/awesome as we could. This was the second year of Vancouver 12×12, and I’m totally looking forward to next year’s! 😀

At the end of the marathon, I’m sure every single person was POOPED OUT. It was seriously physically (running around town for 12 hours) and mentally (creativity blocks) challenging. We even had an awards ceremony/gallery showing in October. It was actually the first time any of the participants got to see their photos. Imagine, a whole MONTH before we even knew if our photos turned out! If our shots were in focus, if it was correctly exposed. Craziness. 🙂 Oh film, the mysteries you bring. None of my photos won, but I’m still really proud of my work. (Well, every single frame was exposed properly at least ;D )

All the photos were pulled from the 12×12 Flicker stream. You can also see everyone else’s photos (including the winning photos) HERE

8am: My Entry Number (59- Roman Numerals: LIX)

9am: The High Road

10am: Torn Apart

11am: Expendables

12pm: Ultimate

1pm: Secret Worlds

2pm: Persistence (Haha, ironic…)

3pm: Dog Eat Dog

4pm: Vague

5pm: Resort

6pm: Easy As Pie

7pm: Unfunny

The morning after the marathon, I woke up with achy muscles EVERYWHERE. 🙂 I may not have run, but it was still such a long day. It was an incredible day though (I even bought a pair of rainboots during the 2pm hour; my canvas shoes were soaked through…). I’m definitely looking forward to next year’s!

5 responses to “Personal | Vancouver 12×12”

  1. This sounds and looks like an amazing idea! Wow! Love your shots, really! Especially Persistence, Secret world and Vague. 🙂 Well done!

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