
Personal | Family Vacation at Harrison Hot Springs

For the Labour Day long weekend, my family and I took a little vacation to Harrison Hot Springs. It’s been 3 years, I think, since we went on vacation together! I had the laziest three days ever! šŸ˜€ We lazed around the resort, walked around the lake, visited Kirby Farms, and soaked in the hot springs…

šŸ™‚ Sheep (or goat?) at Kirby Farms!

Kirby farms

Baaaa. (SO cute).

I love farm animals! So cute! šŸ™‚

My sister petting the pony…

Definite favourite photo! šŸ™‚

My mom and my sister šŸ™‚

My dad. Haha. I’m surprised my parents still love me.

My mom

My sister

Haha. My sister can’t keep her eyes open in group photos, so we thought we’d take a joke photo.


My parents. THEY MATCH!! (Argh, it wasn’t even intentional!)

I love the moss. And the bokeh <3

Fuzzy branches šŸ™‚

Heart shaped leaves.


My Fujifilm Instax Mini, Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 and some of the photos. It’s pretty roomy inside!

Sure proof that we’re related.

My parents hanging out on the dock! (The lake was so beautiful! <3 )

Hahaha. My parents are ridiculous!


Haha. This might also be my favourite!

The sand blowing looked really cool šŸ™‚

We found this bottle with 2 fish in side…

I had a lot of fun that weekend, hanging out with my family. Conclusion I reached? We must take vacations together more often!! šŸ™‚

6 responses to “Personal | Family Vacation at Harrison Hot Springs”

  1. Your parents are seriously so cute!! LOVE the jumping photos! What a beautiful place! Oh and I have to ask you – how did you get the animals to smile for you?? šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

  2. Really looks like quality time spent with your loved ones! Beautiful! Love the photos and you went to such beautiful places!!

  3. Oh awesome! I was just at Harrison a few weeks ago. That sand blowing is crazy. I walked through it and forgot to bring an elastic for my hair – so messy hehe! A few more things I love – your new bag, your smiling animal photos and your fun family photos!

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