
Headshots with Karra

Yes! As of roughly 3 hours ago, I am a free woman! (Until January 4th at least!) That’s RIGHT, I finished all my finals this semester. I’m not quite sure how I did it. But I’m super grateful for a couple weeks off. Seriously, taking a full course load of upper-level biochemistry classes can’t be considered fun. Not even remotely… ANYWAY, on to the photos!

I blogged a sneak peek over the weekend (my first, and probably last). I have a love/hate relationship with sneak peeks- since they’re just there to taunt you. Haha. The promise of MORE photos just lures you in, but WHAM, it’s all over after 2 scrolls. FEAR NOT, the wait is over. I’m going to blog the rest of the photos from Karra’s session!

So, like I said before, Karra is a fresh communications graduate! (You go, girl.) She’s planning on launching a website, and wanted some photos for it. So we got together and took some normal-businessy-type photos (at SFU, again. I seriously do shoot in other locations- but SFU is good if it’s raining outside). But no session is complete without some FUN! Karra had the brilliant idea of bringing balloons, a guitar, and a poster board along. Needless to say, we got some rockin’ images- if I may say so myself. Okay, enough chit-chat. Off to see the photos we go!

Karra- all fancied up!

Can I just say, again, how much I love your shoes? 😀

Okie dokie. Done with the formals, and on to the FUN! She wanted some pictures for her boyfriend- who just happens to be an amazing guitarist/singer/songwriter!! (She had a video of him on her phone, and I got to watch it!) Karra is going to the Philippines around winter break, so she wanted to leave him a couple photos to remember her by 🙂 <3

I really like the rain-splattered window as the background on this one…

😀 I love this expression, haha

Yep, love this one!!

Ha, the same picture as in the sneak peak. I just love it because it’s SO colourful.

I’d just like to thank Karra for being SUCH A TROOPER. It was COLD outside. I’d say around 2C. (Or 35F-ish). Brr, brr, brr. I was wearing a coat and still freezing… Rock it, girl!

SO cute <3 (Karra being attacked by the balloons)…

And then we decided to tie this balloon to the tree…

If this pose looks familiar, it’s because I’ve used it before. But I really love the tiled walls at SFU! 🙂

That’s all; thanks again Karra, for rocking it out with me. Oh and braving the intense cold… I’m planning on shooting lots over the break, and also getting some administrative things done for my business! 🙂 Wish me luck, but I will be on a ROLL!!(Watch out world, girl with purpose tumbling through!)

8 responses to “Headshots with Karra”

  1. These photos are fabulous! I’m sorry I haven’t visited your blog any earlier than now (I see you comment on mine all of the time!) but I promise to start! I love your work!

  2. Sherry, I absolutely love the one of Karra in the blue dress holding the blue balloon. I also love the one with her holding the guitar against the rainy window and the one with her sitting on the couch. Great set of photos!!

  3. i love all the colorful ballon shots! SO fun!!! but i also love the one on the couch and her standing in the window! perfect for a website 😉

  4. On the serious side, I love the one of her on the red couch. Perfect shot. Fun side, 5th one up from the bottom. She is so beautiful and must be thrilled to have these smart and sassy images. So, as for you, what are going getting a degree in? Biochemistry sounds like pure torture.

  5. Wow, she looks like SUCH a business woman! Very smart 🙂 Cutest photo ever is her with crinkles in her nose hugging the guitar – so adorable!

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